Sunday, March 21, 2010

Alphatudes - Review

Title: Alphatudes
Sub-title: The alphabet of gratitude – 26 solutions for Life’s Little Challenges
Author: Michele Wahlder
Publisher: Life Possibilities Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9823645-0-5
Genre: Non-Fiction / Personal Psychology / Self Help
Presentation: Soft cover

When I attended my Reiki 1st degree program way back in 1995, I was introduced to the phrase, Attitude of Gratitude. It starts with “I thank myself for being here….” When we take the attitude of gratitude, we find Reiki flowing through us better. That was interesting and many times it was verified while trying to heal myself and others through Reiki. A few years ago, I came across another self help program called Go Gratitude. Being grateful in all situations is the theme of the program and the book titled “Go Gratitude” by Stacey Robin. Thus I was familiar with the concept of gratitude and was willing and curious to know what the author is trying to convey through the interesting title, Alphatudes. Is it related to the alphabet or is it related to the alpha state of the mind? So, I asked and got the book for review a few weeks ago.

The first thing that struck me is the beautiful printing on high quality art paper, the visual appeal, the eye pleasing photographs etc. in the book. My hands were indeed grateful for the opportunity to hold the book and my eyes were grateful for the visual treat. As I started reading the book, the mind was grateful at the wisdom presented in an easy and interesting way. The author uses the English alphabet A to Z and thus tells us 26 things to be grateful for.

For example, under H for Hope, we have: Even if I knew that tomorrow the world is going to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree - Martin Luther. The quotation is accompanied by an eye catching photo of an apple, and is followed by a short essay from the author on hope. There is an affirmation at the end of that short article: I expect great things to happen. I am filled with hope, faith and optimism. My possibilities are limitless. This is followed by a Prayer of Hope: Make me a light that radiates your hope into the lives of others. Breathe into me the joyful expectations of a brighter day. Thank you for lifting my spirit and giving me an inner spark of hope.

Each alphabet thus takes up 4 beautiful colorful pages. We have Forgiveness for F, Imagination for I, Joy for J, Kindness for K, Laughter for L (it could have been Love as well, but in my view it is easier to laugh than to love!), Music for M, Now for N, etc. There are a few surprises too like Obstacles for O. Should we be grateful for an obstacle? Yes, an apparent obstacle teaches us to become stronger and smarter! And obstacles are divine plans to reroute our lives into hitherto unseen channels.

We may or may not agree with all that is written in the book but let us be grateful for an opportunity to explore, think and then to agree or not. For example, I would not have chosen the sub-title "26 solutions for Life's Little Challenges" though I liked the rhyme of Little with Life. The solutions are in my view meant for Life's major challenges.

An attitude of gratitude does help in letting go, in being in the now etc. and brings us closer to our source. An attitude of gratitude is healing and empowering.

I am grateful to Maryglenn, the wonderful publicist for the opportunity to review this beautiful book.

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